Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's almost here!!!!!!!!!!

Hi there everyone. there hasn't been much blog action from me lately because we have just been soooooooo busy with the rehearsals and other things going on around school. But hopefully the wait will have been worth it because i can give you some up to date shots of the show in rehearsal. The costumes haven't arrived yet but you can see that the set and the lights are coming along nicely!

In a game of two halves you have to rely on your good old flat back four!

The death of Schlunke! "Ding Ding the Witch is dead..." etc.

"Everybody's dead, Dave"!

Cat and Daniel Ask (not pictured) do a great job keeping things in order in the wings. They are my "Wingmen"

Katya and Yasin paying full attention to the scene (as usual!)

"From little acorns grow mighty oaks". Maybe we should do Alice in Wonderland next!

Romeo is "just another brick in the wall"

Kim as the nurse looks like she's gonna bop Raf on the nose, here!

"Nurse help, I ate too many roti's at break time and now my stomach has turned into what looks like a huge blue cushion!"

Just like the drama kids in "High School Musical" (except not rubbish)

"I'd just like to thank the Academy for this award. I'd also like to thank my family and friends for all their support. I'd like to thank Mrs. Broadbent for making me wear girls clothes. I'd like to thank my pet bunny wunny for being so cute. I definitely want to thank goodness for letting me remember all my lines. But i don't want to thank Mr.Dowle for making do lots of swordfighting that makes me look cool and dangerous cos now everyone points at me in the street and shouts "Raf, we love you!" .........

"Someone keeps stealing our groceries!"

If the wind changes, Kate, you'll stay like that!

A view from the bridge (I mean lighting box!)


"God loves ya, baby!"

"Hey, how come she gets to stand up with her hand on her hip?!"

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou....flashlight?!"


Blogger Amirah said...

haha, I love all of the captions, especially the one about the roti. And "a view from the bridge" that's in my english lit exam - EURGH.

March 16, 2007  

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