Saturday, March 24, 2007

The journey's over

Well, that's that. The production is finally over. It's been tough - we have complained about the rehearsals, the numerous costume fittings, lunchtime sword fighting and/or dance practices. We have been yelled at for getting the world's easiest dance so wrong it probably didn't even look like a dance! And we were laughed at for bending our swords almost double, making the lewdest sexual innuendos and stepping on other Fates' "tentacles".

But it has been a great six months.

Seeing as I seem to be the only cast member on this blog, I guess I just want to give out a big, BIG thank you to everyone involved. The general citizens deserve the biggest round of applause: you guys were the backbone of the play. Mr Dowle, Ms Bicknell, principles, fates, sound people, light people, backstage people, wing people, costume people, and Ms McDonald, this play would not have been as amazing without you. And Ms McDonald - big props for putting up with Nikki!

Can't wait for the next one,

PS/ A bunch of the Garden kids thought the play was naff, but what do they know?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's was so much fun! and it's so sad finishing it. it's kinda weird coz we're all working so hard for 3 nights--but it's worth it =D.

thanks mr. dowle for everythiiing <3!!!

illia ^^v

March 24, 2007  

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